So,What We do
Site Engineering Technology Inc . provides planning, survey, engineering and project management services, including Designing waste water Lift Stations, Pump systems for stormwater or sanitary/septic systems. We also Design Piping systems - potable water/fire water, wastewater storm and sanitary systems.
Site Engineering Technology Inc provides assessments on roadways, existing infrastructure evaluations, testing of existing infrastructure, development review, as-built drawings, project structure and process.
Development of 3-d video for project visualization
Site Plan
Site Engineering Technology Inc provides Site Plans for drainage areas, residential, commercial, and industrial projects in application for a subdivision, development permit, demolition permit, septic field permit or other permits. Create a Master Site Development Plan, Outline Plan, with some approvals require vehicle access - loading bays, fire truck access, parking lots, cut and fill plan, building grade plan, water plan, wastewater plan, minor storm water plan, major storm water plan, plan profiles, corridor development, force mains, tentative subdivision plan, options for development and site development.
Grading Plan
Develop a grading plan the provided drainage objective, analysis for duel drainag system - pipe and surface working in unison where required, The discharge is based on existing storm water management plan or create a storm water management plan/report
Design and Capacity Reports
Topographical Survey and Construction Survey - stake outs from existing drawings, digital drawings and point files. Setup of bench marks for machine control and surface creation / surface check for machine control uploading
Project Management
Lead and schedule group of consultants for development of a project requiring development permit, or other permits. Application for re-zoning with an area structure plan (ASP), Master Site Development Plan, Outline plan, Evaluations and testing for projects, Alberta Building Code Schedules A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2 - Professional Coordinator
Quantity Survey and Project Change
When a project has been designed, approved, we can take it from there to Tender and Specifications for a project which has an existing design. Lead and schedule a group of contractors for development of a project. With sign-off of construction completion certificate and final acceptance certificate.